Fire Tandem
Fire Tandem system was designed to perform a tandem parachute jumping of instructor with a passenger.
Adjustable harness system of instructor and passenger allows to accommodate comfortably different sizes of parachutists. The passenger harness is attached to the instructor's harness with 4 snaps, the total strength of more than 7 tons, providing a secure and comfortable attachment.
Drogue can be released by a main or secondary release to open the main.
Wide dimensional range allows you to choose the container for any of the tandem canopies on market.
Maximum take-off weight of - 250 kg, maximum speed - 370 km/h
The minimum size of the reserve parachute: 290 ft - Maximum 400 ft
The minimum size of the main parachute is 310 ft - Maximum 400 ft
Tandem main risers with two pairs of toggles - steering and flaring, without velcro. Flaring toggles can be removed, if the canopy does not have the second brake-line.
Tandem Passenger Harness has Sigma-like construction with variable-length leg pads and Y-mod.
Backpad and leg straps can be made with Pararack (standard variant), or with Spacer
Cutaway and reserve handles can be pod or loopstyle
RSL is included as standard.
DRD (Direct Reserve Deployment) system can be installed.
RSL or DRD carbines can be made out of Brass or SS metal.
Drogue is made out of sail material, and has a special netting to improve durability. Drogue size can be standard or enhanced (for jumping with very heavy passengers or in thin air)
Hook-knife and airsick bag can be placed on the passenger harness.
Transparent Windows for AAD Panel on the Yoke and on the Pincover Flap and Label Pocket
It facilitates control of AAD switching on/state and checking the reserve pin position especially onboard.
Label pocket;
Main spare parts kit;
Reserve spare parts kit;
By special order, we can produce a custom container for extra-big canopies (400+ ft square), used by the military.
All Fire Tandem come standard with:
Collapsible main drogue, main bridle and deployment bag, main risers with toggles, cutaway handle, reserve handle, reserve PC, reserve bridle and deployment bag, reserve toggles, RSL, passenger harness, instructor harness, container, main and reserve release handles.